Traveling around the country used to be exciting and glamorous and certainly not a weekly occurrence. You had to be a serious jet-setter with heavy moneybags to afford it. Now it has become par for the course and is as ho hum as catching the train. For many it starts out with excitement as part of a new job that includes lots of travel, meeting new people and seeing new places and often deteriorates into lonely and and exhausting trips away from home and family. And one of the many things to contend with is having food on the run. At conferences and business meetings where your dietary needs as a Muslim is seldom taken into account.
At least the airports in South Africa have picked up on this, whether consciously as a business strategy or unconsciously, they have become quite halaal friendly over the last few years. Unless you’re in some remote part of the country at a tiny little airport with one Cessna, it’s not that difficult to get some halaal food to sort you out on a layover. Even prayer rooms have been modernised to take into account the need for ablution (wudu) facilities.
Here is a list of all the airports in South Africa where you can make Salaah comfortably and get some halaal nosh.
Cape Town International Airport
Has Muslim friendly prayer and ablution facilities.
Halaal food is available at:
- Steers
- Debonairs
- Barcelos
Oliver Tambo International Airport
Has Muslim friendly prayer and ablution facilities. The Muslim prayer facility is open 24/7 for prayer and quiet time. There is a Friday prayer service held just after noon with both a male and female facility. This facility is located in the basement parkade closest to Terminal A arrivals. For more info contact Ahmed on 0835443419.
Halaal food is available at:
Domestic site:
- Piece a Pizza
- Cappello
- Nando’s
International site:
- Piece a Pizza
- Newtons
- Haagen Dazs – sweets and chocolates
- The Taste of Africa – Halaal biltong in beef, Kudu and Ostrich
- Dinner – Everything is Halaal
King Shaka International Airport
Has Muslim friendly prayer and ablution facilities
Lanseria Airport
Has Muslim friendly prayer and ablution facilities open from 5am to 11pm. Located on the first floor of the new Parkade. Facilities for both males and females.
Port Elizabeth Airport
Has Prayer rooms and the Primi Cafe is halaal.
Updated 21 March 2016
Please advise if Jummah Salaah is being performed at the facility at Lanseria Airport.
Thanks for your query Masood. Unfortunately you will need to contact Lanseria Airport to enquire.
Shukran Hungry for Halaal for this useful information.
Asalaamu alaykum.
I was at Lanseria Airport last week Monday, knowing there’s salaah facilities, but when I looked outside, they busy building a new car park.
I asked the gentleman at the Information deck,and he said there’s no salaah facilities anymore because of the building going on.
Salaamz all …as far as I know @ Lanseria International Airport …the Kuaia is certified halaal and the prayer facilities are under construction so that’s not being in use anymore at Lanseria International Airport
can i get a list of halaal eating place on o r tambo airport
Kauai in King Shaka is not Halaal. I was there two months ago
Hi Luqmaan. The Kauai website lists that branch as halaal and the staff in the store have also confirmed they have a certificate.
Salam Alaykum, Please is there any mosjid close to SA Red cross Air Mercy Service Cape Town International Air Port 7525. Kindly help me with Halal food in that neigbourhood
Assalamualaikum: Masjids close to Red Cross: Masjid ar Rashideen (Mowbray Masjid): Queen Street Mowbray; Claremont Main Road Mosque (near the shopping HUB Cavendish); Claremont Sunni Masjid: Harvey Rd, Phone: 021 697 5268; Masjidul Quds: Balu Parker Blvd, Gatesville,
Phone: 021 699 1999; Zenatul Islam in Muir str – district 6
I would like to know if Jumma salaah is performed at O R Tambo airport
Thanks for your query Naeem. Unfortunately you will need to contact the OR Tambo to enquire.
Hi Ameera. Capello’s is in the process of applying for certification from Sanha but it has not been finalised yet.
Capella at O.R Tambo is certified by which organization?
Shukran for maintaining this site and sharing the information. May you be rewarded abundantly IA. If possible, could you add the respective Halaal restaurant’s airport specific menu.
Thank you for this information- much appreciated
It’s a pleasure Nisaa. Thanks for checking out my blog.
Salaams, please update your info, Oriental Fusion at ORT is not halaal Shukran
Thanks for the update Nazeer. I have removed them until I can check further.
when is Lanseria airport going to cater for Halaal. as the airport is a busy one now .
Please also add whether they are certified by any organisation & if they are Muslim owned.
I am weary of fast food places since I heard from a Muslim manager of what takes place when you are not watching your staff. Eg. Staff using the fryers to fry Eskort polony (Bacon) for their lunch. Gross!
Also places like KFC claim to be Halaal because they use Halaal certified chickens but their ingredients are not certified… and the ones you mention above (to my knowledge) are not Muslim owned. Be mindful of this.
This is totally awesome. Very much appreciated for the people thatvhas put in the effirt and energies to make this happen. Shukran
This information is very helpful. Shukran. Is Jumuah f salaah performed at CT airport
Port Elizabeth airport also has prayer facilities and the primi is halaal
The Debonairs express at Cape Town is also Halaal. Booste closed and debonairs was open last year December
Thanks for that update Zak.
I would like to know if Jumma salaah is performed at lanseria airport
Where can I buy vacuum sealed halal billing at ORT
I’ve sent a query to Biltong on the Go, a kiosk on O R Tambo. Am waiting for them to come back to me.
Hi Lee. Biltong on the go is not Halaal but the Taste of Africa store on the International side does have halaal biltong. It’s not vacuum sealed though. Hope this helps.