Don’t you hate it when you wake up on a Sunday morning with the thought of soft, warm syrupy koeksisters in your mind, and then quickly throw on some clothes and head on down to the corner where that lady with her daughter are always selling them fresh, and…….. they are SOLD OUT!!!
Today I hope to bring relief to the extreme disappointment of missing your Sunday morning fix. Hungry for Halaal has compiled a list of places where you can go to get your Sunday morning happiness.
Through the wonder that is Facebook, readers from Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg have sent in their favourite stockists and home bakers which we have compiled into a list. Download it, share it, stick it on your fridge. Use it to find your nearest koeksister hotspot. The list has been compiled with as much information as has been sent in and not all information is complete. If you have updated information please get in touch and I will update the list.
Download the list here: The HFH Koeksister Files
Image source:
Quality Bake in Klipfontein rd , Athlone , Cape Town, also sells delicious koeksisters
Thanks for the tip Vincent. 🙂