
New Year’s eve party ideas

Updated 29/12/2017

New Year text with cookies on the wooden background

There’s all this controversy about whether to celebrate or not to celebrate New years eve. Truth is it can be as laid back or as crazy as you’d like it to be. I decided years ago to forego the crush of traffic, both cars and human and celebrate with friends and family at home. Every year we get together and braai at someones house, enjoy the pool, the great South African summer and good company. But if you’re tired of the usual braai, cos let’s face it, during summer everyone’s braaing all the time and if you want to change things up a bit here are a few ways you could do it.

It’s great fun making your own sushi. Get the right equipment together and start early, cos the rice needs to be prepared a few hours before the time. Everyone does their own combinations and can get really creative about it too.

Tacos, tortillas and nachos are all great party food that can be assembled by each person according to how they like it. Here is a great recipe for baked Nachos that are a favourite with my crowd.
1 large bag of Spicy Doritos or Nachos
1 Jar of pre made Tomato Salsa
1 tub of Sour Cream
1 tub of pre-made guacamole (or make your own)
1 cup grated cheese
Layer nachos in a shallow ovenproof dish,mix some of the sour cream and salsa together and place dollops of mixture on top of the nachos. Then place dollops of the rest of the salsa and sour cream on the nachos. Place blobs of guacamole in between and cover with grated cheese. Bake on 180 for about 15 to 20 min until cheese is melted.

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Provide the bases and the toppings and everyone can do their own combinations.

You don’t have to limit your fondue to desserts. You can also do a savoury fondue by frying small cubes of meat in bubbling oil. Special fondue sets are available for this. Serve a sauce for the meat in a separate fondue pot.

You can’t get more Capetonian than a Gatsby party. Get some long loaves and all the Gatsby ingredients and have everyone do their own combinations. Please give the Frulati a miss. That stuff is atrocious. How about doing some awesome mocktails instead? See this link for my previous blog post on mocktails with some great recipes included.


So there you have some fun ways to have a safe New Years eve party. So enjoy, be good and have fun. See you all next year.



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