
Iftaar at the Alhambra

Update May 2019

Alhambra only opens on Fridays and Saturdays 5:30pm to 8pm during Ramadaan. It’s a menu of samoosas, koeksisters, and 11 different main dishes, including lamb kalya, roti and BBQ-chicken, as well as malva pudding or fruit salad as desserts. They have an Eid buffet, too.
Price: R240pp, children under the age of 10 pay 50% of the price. Drinks are R35 for a jug of juice and R40 for a jug of falooda.

House Review

The fourth day of Ramadaan may have been a little early for choosing to have Iftaar out. In the early stages of the month we are still trying to do our best to commit wholeheartedly to all the observations of the month. Time spent at home, togetherness at the table at Iftaar time, homemade delicacies, prayers and reflection. Normally this would be the case for me too, but publishing deadlines dictated otherwise, which is why my first Iftaar buffet at a Restaurant was in these very early days of this Ramadaan.

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I was expecting it to be quiet, so was not too surprised when on arriving at the Alhambra Restaurant the only other patrons were what looked to be a group of 20 Malaysian tourists. I was told they always get very busy in the last 2 weeks of Ramadaan. We arrived just on Iftaar time and parked in the ample parking lot of the Islamia Academic complex adjacent to the Islamia mosque. Zulfi headed to Mosque while I headed up to the Restaurant with our 3 year old who would be too disruptive in mosque to accompany his dad. The restaurant is located on the top floor of the Academia Building and during the day has panoramic views of Table Mountain in the distance. The lighting was very low when I came in and I was hoping they would turn it up initially. But my eyes adjusted I got used to it eventually. I did not help my foodie photos though, for which you always need the best lighting.

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I am always surprised by the elegance of this restaurant. The clean lines and deep red décor pulls through into the curtains, chairs and accent wall. The modern crystal chandeliers on the ceiling offset the classic décor and make for a sophisticated setting. We were seated at a table for four across from the serving bar which also houses a glass cooldrinks fridge. The only thing which mars the sleekness of the restaurant. Close by, near the back of the restaurant an area had been set up for Salaah. The toilets are also near the back but no towels were provided if you needed to make wudhu. Salaah is encouraged at the mosque.

Alhambra Iftaar Hungry for halaal1

For Iftaar a large plate of savouries and sweets were presented, too much for 2 adults and a toddler. Although my little one made short work of 2 of the 4 koeksisters on the plate. Suffice it to say I was not getting much more into him after that. The plate also included half moons and samoosas which were ok, lovely tiny bread buns filled with chicken, yummy banana and caramel filled pancakes and crumpets. After Salaah, Zulfi joined us and the buffet was ready. We opted to start with Chicken and Corn soup and Vegetable Soup instead of the boeber. Both were delicious. The Chicken and corn soup was tasty with just enough of a bite. They had served me too much at the buffet and I didn’t intend to but I finished all of it because it was so good. Taking a few minutes before heading for the next course was necessary as there was much on the buffet to try. I waited while the Malaysian delegation had been seen to rather than stand in the buffet queue. Zulfi had the Lamb curry first which he thoroughly enjoyed with some roti. I opted for the roast chicken with some salad, a chicken stirfry and veg medley. The roast chicken had a tikka flavour and was quite good but the stirfy was the star of this plate. If I didn’t plan on tasting everything I would have headed back and had just that. Next I tried the Masala braised steak and the Seafood pasta. The steak was tender and tasty and I was delighted to find the pasta had pieces of crayfish in it. I was informed though that crayfish was not always available and that the pasta might not always include it. The seafood flavour was full bodied and a little of this was enough for me. Oh and the ribs… delicious taste but as always I only have them for the taste. Ribs are not my favourite and these were a tad too fatty for me.

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Alhambra Iftaar Hungry for halaal6

Dessert was a choice of Bread pudding, Chocolate Brownie, Malva pudding or Fruit Salad served at your table. We opted for the Malva pudding which was delicious, but the custard served with it was Ultramel which I don’t enjoy. A homemade custard would add more to the dish. As well as the Bread pudding which was warm and topped with stewed fruit. The bread pudding too was a good choice but I only managed about a third of it as at this point I was lolling in my seat from this much food after a day of fasting.

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Alhambra Iftaar Hungry for halaal4

We were offered tea or coffee during the meal as this was included in the buffet price and bottomless. Our buffet price was R150 per head. Children under 5 or so eat free. A jug of Falooda was extra at R35 and juices or drinks were additional. The meal was exceptional value for money. I even felt the need to ask how they kept their prices so low to which I just got a smile and a shrug.

The Iftaar buffet experience was surprisingly relaxed and thoroughly enjoyable. I was not rushing to prepare for Iftaar and then after namaaz rushing to dish up for supper. And best of all, no dishes!

Reviewed July 2016

This review is also available in the Eid edition of The Muslim Views.



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  • Aslm. Tried calling. No answer. Will Alhambra be open for iftaar on sat the 27th Ramadan. We thinking of having iftaar there,so we can be early for Eesha & teraweeg as we anticipate parking wld be a nightmare. We are 10ppl. I await your reply

    • Wslm Asma. Alhambra does not monitor this website so they will not get your query. Best is to try calling them again. Hope you come right.