
2017 – Day 1

2017 dark chocolate mocha

Ok, technically it’s not day 1, but it has to be for me. Moms will understand. Life only returns to normal when the kids go back to school which is today for me. My little one Taufeeq, turned 4 in December so the holidays commenced with a birthday party and and the rest of it was crammed with finding activities that would ignite each day for this busy little guy. No easy task, I tell you. I’m surprised I’m not on meds yet. Mom’s with 2, 3 and more children, I salute you, Respect!

Cape Town is just awesome for finding things to do. While it is riskier heading into traffic with all those GP number plates, actually just kidding my GP friends. We love you and your tourist moola you’re spending in our windy city. And OMG! The wind this summer. I swear, Cape Town is trying to blow itself into an early February at this rate. In spite of it, we made it to the Two Oceans Aquarium, where we spent R300 on tickets only for the nagging to start about 20 minutes in about when are we gonna be done…. and this after a year of making us watch Finding Nemo at least once a week.

We did the Ice Age Adventure Slides at Canal Walk, had a lovely time painting pottery at Clay Cafe in Hout Bay even for the little ones. They have a play area when the kids have had enough of the artsy stuff. Had beach days that went great, and beach days where the wind just blew us off the beach, ate more ice cream than can possibly be nutritionally acceptable and a trip or two on the long road checking out the beauty of Cape Town’s coastline.

2017 banana french toastBanana and Macon French Toast from La Rocca
2017 croissantFarmers croissant with egg, macon and sauteed potatoes from La Rocca

So today is back to the grind for me, with the holiday fun settling into memory status. I began my morning by having to vacate my house while we got rid of some summer critters so quite fittingly I’m writing this over breakfast at a restaurant killing hours before I can head back to my office in my living room. Schuks, I know it’s hard work…. but someone’s got to do it. Them syrupy french toast and scrambled eggs in a croissant pillow ain’t gonna eat itself… ????

I’m looking forward to a busy 2017. This year I will focus on increasing the restaurant listings and reviews from Johannesburg and Durban and hopefully some interesting networking dinners in between. Generation M (for Muslim) is the new buzz word out there. The global halaal market is increasing exponentially and the Western Cape Government is looking to increase their participation in it as well as to the halaal seeking tourist to Cape Town which means interesting times ahead for the Mother City Muslims. It’s going to be an exciting year. So put on your helmet, strap yourself in and enjoy the ride.




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