
An Inspirational Ramadaan Kareem

When I was growing up, during Ramadaan in Cravenby, one of the only 2 Indian suburbs in Cape Town which was predominantly Muslim you would find as dusk descends, young children hurrying over to neighbours bearing plates of snacks for iftaar, and hurrying back home with plates filled with snacks from the same neighbours. This exchange kept the community bonds strong especially during this blessed month. Today, things have changed so much. The communities are no longer so tight and many young professionals have moved into more affluent neighbourhoods where the neighbours are seldom Muslim.

Now we don’t hear the Muazzin’s call in person but instead turn to technology and switch on the radio to the Islamic station to hear the athaan for Magrib and time to break fast. In Cape Town it’s traditional to break your fast with milky rose flavoured falooda and snacks like samoosas and pastries. Haleem has become a big part of my Ramadaan and Pez as we koknis call it or Boeber as the Malays call it is always a firm favourite.

We spend more time in prayer and mysteriously are better able to control all our vices. We know how to hold our tongue, our anger management skills reach new heights and we become generous to a tee. Is it the absence of food that removes the ego….? Perhaps the collective awareness and focus of this month is what makes us better at being us during Ramadaan.

I’ve decided to do a look post about all that I think is positive about this month. Enjoy the inspiration and have a most joyous Ramadaan this year.

From my family to yours.
Dilshad xx

Oh, and remember to catch me on Mela on SABC3 this Sunday at 2pm. I’ll be doing a cooking slot and chatting about Hungry for Halaal with the gorgeous Zakeeya Patel.


Ramadeen Kareem



Ramadeen Kareem

Image credit: Wikipedia

Ramadeen Kareem

Image credit: Quora

Ramadeen Kareem

Image credit: Silver Orange Bistro


Ramadaan Kareem

Image credit: MuslimWords.com

Ramadeen Kareem

Image credit: Ibtimes

Haleem by Aniseeds Hungry for Halaal

Image credit: Aniseeds
recipe: Haleem

Ramadeen Kareem
Image credit: Time

Ramadeen Kareem

Image Credit: Shanaaz Parker

Ramadeen KareemImage credit: Modern Muslim Home

Ramadeen Kareem

Image credit: Khaleejtimes


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