This year Ramadaan has practically flown by. We’re in the last 3 days and it feels like it’s only just begun, ok, that’s a Carpenters song…. but seriously. This has been the shortest Ramadaan for me ever. I know some of you must feel the same.
Blame it on the short winter days, which meant short hours to fast not like our friends in places like the UK, where they were fasting 20 hour days. Our 12 hours is bliss in comparison. It did make things a little rushed for most of us. Trying to get home from work in time, or in my case, remembering to stop working to I could prepare in time for iftaar.
But all that aside, this year I managed to get a bit more involved on a personal level. The major storm we had 2 weeks ago really opened my eyes to the plight of the homeless. There is a young man who begs at our door almost weekly. He used to annoy me at first but I realised later that he had a mental problem. Now, when he doesn’t show up for a week or 2, I wonder about him and if he’s ok. With the news of the big storm I found myself hoping that he would get to a shelter in time. I managed twice to cook and donate food to shelters in the neighbourhood. It wasn’t a huge effort but it was hugely appreciated. These small things that we can do in our own capacities are worth the time. I know it’s quite easy to to transfer your money to bigger organisations and I do it too but I found great satisfaction in doing a little bit myself.
This Ramadaan I feel a little more grown up. My eyes a little more open and perhaps my heart too. I want to do more and I want Hungry for Halaal to have a little more of an impact. So I am working with an organisation that I hope will bring another dimension to this website and I will have more to tell you about that in the near future, InshaAllah.
For now I want to wish you the best of what remains of this beautiful month.
Eid Mubarak.
From my family to yours.
D, Z & T
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