
Overnight Oats, perfect for Ramadaan

Overnight oats Hungry for Halaal

I have never been a fan of oats. The glutinous texture has never really agreed with me. But I do try to have some every now and then. The health benefits far outweigh my reservations and if your dress it up with some nuts and fruit, drizzle over some honey, it’s not half bad. So when I recently decided to try the overnight version, which has been floating around the internet for some time now, I was fully converted and now consider myself an oats evangelist.

This creamy and innovative version of boring old cooked oats is like taking oats to the catwalk version of food fashion. It’s smoother, fresher and altogether deliciouser (yes, that’s a word!). It’s easy and convenient and the perfect dish to make prepping for Sehri meals during Ramadaan a breeze. Put the ingredients together at night, pop it in the fridge, and the next morning you have a nutritious meal that requires no further cooking that will keep you full for hours. It’s a great timesaver also for those rushed mornings when you’ve just got to grab and run. Just put your oats mix in a screw top jar, top it with your fruit (those that won’t spoil) or nuts and screw on the lid. The next morning grab it and go. You can eat this straight out of the jar at your desk!

Overnight oats Hungry for Halaal

Like many of the versions online I have added sabja seeds or basil seeds to mine. You can also use chia seeds. Now in a past article, I had wrongfully deduced that the two were the same. Upon more recent research I found out that they are in fact different. While sabja seeds, which Indian cuisine is very familiar with has many benefits, Chia seeds have even more health benefits. They look very similar, but sabja swells up a bit more than chia in water. Use either, it’s your choice. Read more about their differences here.

Here’s my version with 3 delicious flavour options to suit any palate.

Overnight oats Hungry for Halaal

Overnight oats Hungry for Halaal

Overnight oats Hungry for Halaal

Overnight Oats

A delicious creamier version of traditional oats that’s a huge timesaver.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Overnight oats Hungry for Halaal
  1. Whisk together all ingredients in a medium-sized mixing bowl or in the jar you’ll be using to refrigerate it.
  2. Spoon into a jar with a tight-fitting lid or a small bowl that you can cover with a lid or cling wrap.
  3. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight before eating.



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