
How to pay your Fitrah and Fidyah in Ramadaan

At Ramadaan time it becomes necessary for every able Muslim to pay Fitrah and Fidyah. Every year the amount one needs to pay is adjusted and the ulama will announce what must be paid for that year. To understand what exactly Fitrah and Fidyah is I have compiled information from the Muslim Judicial Council’s website. I hope that this post will help those that need to know how to pay your Fitrah and Fidyah in Ramadaan.

Rice Fitrah Fidyah Hungry for Halaal

What is the difference between Fitrah and Fidyah?

Fitrah is prescribed as a means of purification for the person who fasts, redressing wrong deeds and undesirable words uttered during fasting. It is also a relief-aid to the needy. Fitrah is an obligation on the person and his dependants such as his wife, children who have not reached maturity and parents.

Fidyah is a donation of money or food made to help those in need. Fidyah is given when someone is pregnant, breastfeeding, ill or of extreme age (old or young) and cannot fast for the required amount of days. In Ramadan, the Fidyah can be made for any amount of days. Fidyah becomes wajib day by day and it must not be given in advance. I.E. It can only be given for a particular day once that day has started. It is therefore advisable to delay fidyah until the end of Ramadan.

Who needs to pay Fitrah?

Fitrah is incumbent upon every Muslim person baby, adult or elderly person and is paid anytime between the commencement of Ramadan and the day of Eid BEFORE the imam reaches the mimbar for Eid salaah. The head of the household is responsible for paying Fiṭrah on behalf of all those in the household for whose maintenance he is responsible.

Who needs to pay Fidyah?

Fidyah is payable by anyone who must fast but is unable to for various reasons.

How does it work for pregnant women?

If you are pregnant and in good health you may fast. If there is any concern that fasting will be harmful to the baby or the mother’s health, then the days can be fasted at a later stage and Fidyah must be paid.
Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers who give Fidyah should do so in kind only, and not in cash.

Fiṭrah and Fidyah amounts for Ramadan 1442/2021 announced by the Muslim Judicial Council:

In-kind – 3 kg of rice (rounded off from 2.94kg)
In-Cash – minimum of R48

FIDYAH:  Per day
In-kind – 1 kg of rice (rounded off from 735 g)
In-Cash – minimum of R12

Updated current amounts for your region can be found here: https://www.sanzaf.org.za/fitrah-fidyah.html

It is permissible to pay Fiṭrah at any time after Ramaḍān has commenced.

The obligation to do so sets in on the eve that Ramaḍān ends, either by the sighting of the moon or the completion of 30 days.

Fiṭrah should ideally reach its recipients before the Eid ṣalāh.

Failure to give it before Eid ṣalāh does not absolve one from the obligation. It should still be given out before the day ends. Delaying it beyond sunset on the day of Eid without a reasonable excuse is ḥarām.

Those who are unable to pay the full amount should pay whatever they are able to pay.

Source: https://mjc.org.za/2021/04/12/fitrah-and-fidyah-ramadhan-1442/

The South African National Zakah Fund (SANZAF) has a convenient online facility where you can pay your Fitrah and Fidyah.


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      • Both Fidyah for missed fasts and Fitra
        after fast is one and half kilos of the
        staple food. It has to be in kind and
        not money. Zakat and Sadaqah can be
        in cash. It must be given in your home
        country. Allah knows best.

        • Thank you for your comment Ismaeel. This information is as per the Muslim Judicial Council from South Africa’s website.