
Understanding Halaal Skincare

Skincare and beauty are now a booming global industry. Many brands seek to source and develop the latest trends and innovations, along with cutting edge science and technology, so that the consumer has the most up to the minute anti-ageing solutions at their fingertips.

There is growing desire to ‘get back to nature’ among many and harness the power of the earth. Ancient techniques for healing mind and body, are now being sought out more than ever before. This raises the complex issue of Halaal skincare and beauty and what it entails for those people who are raised, live as and abide by Islam. Here, we’ll explore the products that can and can’t be used and what can form a healthy, beautiful Halaal skincare regime.

What constitutes Halaal skin care?

Halaal skincare and beauty will use ingredients that are allowed by law in Islam. There are specific exclusions such as anything that derives from the following:

  • Alcohol
  • Blood
  • Pork
  • Dead animals – and more specifically animals not slaughtered according to Sharia Law.

Every country will have their own Halaal Certification Bodies to abide by. Once a skincare manufacturer has fulfilled the criteria that allows them to say their product is Halaal, they can apply for a certificate to say so. Once a product is certified Halaal, it must undergo regular inspections to make sure strict Halaal standards are maintained.

Specific Examples of Ingredients Not Allowed in Halaal Skincare


A red pigment derived from Cochineal, which is the shells of crushed beetles and is forbidden. It can be found in lipsticks, blushers and some skincare preparations. It’s manufacture and production is not Halaal.


An ingredient often found in hair care products like shampoos, conditioners and styling solutions like the Brazilian straightening treatment. It is a natural protein that humans have in their hair and nails, but in terms of cosmetic use it is often derived from animals and not Halaal.

Collagen and Gelatin

Collagen is a widely-used ingredient in skin care products. It often features in moisturizing creams and serums, and even now in mineral and vitamin supplements.

However, it is often sourced from bovine, ovine or porcine sources and is therefore unsuitable as part of a Halaal life. However, if the animal has been slaughtered according to the Halaal principles and tenets it is allowed – which is why it is important albeit difficult to look for beauty products that have a Halaal certification.

The same is true of gelatin. A standard ingredient used in skincare. It is made by cooking down the skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones of cows or pigs. This, unless the animals are Halaal, is banned.


A common emollient used to treat very dry or incredibly sensitive skin, it originates from either pigs or hogs and is therefore not allowed for use as part of a Halaal skincare regimen.

Halaal Skincare Products to Look Out For – Ingredients to Use

There is a great deal of crossover between Vegan skincare and Halaal – and for many people who follow a vegan lifestyle, the products they use can also be slotted neatly into a Halaal beauty regime. As long as your product contains no alcohol, then it is safe to use.

Look for products that contain naturally derived plant oils and waxes from organic sources:

  • Rosehip oil
  • Rose oil
  • Neroli oil

All are brilliant and completely natural skin loving emollients to treat critically dry, unbalanced skin.

Similarly, products that contain coconut oil as their main base will be suitable – even more so if it is virgin, organic coconut oil. Raw, cold pressed oils have a wealth of benefits to the skin, and contain no animal derivatives.

Skin loving shea butter, in its raw form, or pressed into cleaning bars with rhassoul clay are super effective cleansers that contain nothing but natural goodness.

Make up has developed in leaps and bounds and now, many mineral brands develop their ranges to be animal product free, vegan and Halaal friendly and based on ingredients that are found within nature – including all the pigments they use for color.

It’s getting easier to find Halaal friendly skincare online and in shops and manufacturers are becoming increasingly sensitive to the needs of consumers who follow this lifestyle.

You may also like: Great Halaal Makeup Brands and where to find them

Article contributed by: Jane Sandwood


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