There’s nothing like the smell of homemade bread to wake up to in the morning. Spread with butter straight out of the oven and a lick of apricot jam and you’ve got the perfect Sunday breakfast. My mum was in town and whipped up a batch this weekend. Here is her super simple recipe to which you can add absolutely anything sweet or savoury before baking to make it interesting. We took some of this dough and topped two ropes with fresh garlic and just twisted them together and left it to rise before baking.

The Easiest Homemade Bread Recipe Ever
1 kg Cake Flour
2 large Eggs beaten
1/4 cup Sunflower oil
1 pkt 10g Instant Yeast
2 Tbsp Sugar
2 tsp Salt
2 cups Warm Water
Mix together all your dry ingredients. Make a well in the centre. Combine oil and eggs and add to flour. Mix lightly with a fork. Add water and bring together with the fork at first. Then using your hands knead together to form a soft dough. Turn out onto floured surface and knead for about 5 minutes till smooth and soft. Place into a large oiled bowl. Cover loosely with cling film or plastic and allow to rise till double. About 2 to 3 hours. I do this at night and leave overnight. Then turn out and knead lightly. Divide dough into loaf tins or shape into rolls. This amount of dough can make 2 small loaves and 20 small rolls. Allow to rise till double. About 1 hour. Egg wash the top and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds if you like. Bake at 220 deg Celcius for about 15 minutes till golden brown.

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