Pizza is life but why go for the standard flat base when you can get real creative. I was invited to try out the Pizzalot Pizza Dough pre-mix as part of an invitation to participate in a competition along with 14 other foodies. With a prize worth R2000 up for grabs I am innit to winnit!
The premix is super easy to use and I mixed it up quickly with the addition of milk, water and butter to the packaged dry ingredients. It’s different from my usual pizza dough which uses oil and water and no butter or milk. I am glad to say that this premix did a great job though. It’s light, handles well and gives as great a result as good if not better than my usual.

After allowing the dough to rest I rolled oval shapes quite thinly and wrapped them around foil cones. I made these by folding double layer foil strips and rolling them into cones. You’ll need to trim or flatten the wide ends to be even all around to allow them to stand on your tray when baking. Be sure to spray the foil cones so they release easily after baking.

Bake for about 12 minutes and then fill with your desired tomato sauce, cheese and fillings. I used a bottled tomato pasta sauce which just makes life that much easier. Bake again to get that cheese all melty and you have a fun way to do your next pizza night.
Guys, I have a cool video up on my Instagram page when you can see exactly how to do this. While you’re there please like and share the post so I can get my mits on that prize. Love you guys.❤️
If you’re not on insta, I’ll be sharing the video on my Facebook page as well.

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