Did you grow up with your mum force-feeding you cod liver oil and almonds around exam time? Not the most pleasant way to fortify the brain but there is wisdom in many of those old remedies. It’s easy to pop a pill nowadays but the natural route is always better for the body in the long term. With exam season looming incorporating some of these foods into your own or your childrens’ daily routine is a good way to keep those brain cells healthy.
There are several foods mentioned in the Sunnah that are good for brain function and memory.
Honey is one. It is narrated in Sahih Bukhari that the Prophet (sa) said, “Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Quran is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Quran and honey.” Research shows that honey has many antiseptic, antioxidant and immunity-boosting properties that work against cell damage and hence memory loss. It is especially beneficial if taken before going to sleep as it acts as a fuel source for the brain and helps in preserving memory by preventing nocturnal fasting.
Almonds have long been trusted as the food of choice for memory building. It is a tradition for many hufaaz, memorising the quran, to take some almonds on a daily basis. Almonds contain many healthy nutrients that are known to boost specific brain functions.
Almonds contain lean protein which boosts energy and helps repair brain cells. Almonds also contain zinc, an antioxidant that fights the free radicals in your bloodstream, Vitamin B6 which promotes brain health and vitamin E. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in almonds help increase intellectual levels and the magnesium in them help strengthen the nerves in the brain.
One of the best recipes I have for improving memory and mental function came from a trusted family friend, mentor, brother and father figure. He was a Hakeem, well known in the community. One who people turned to for help with health and spiritual issues. Abdul Haq Cassiem, known to me as Bhaijan (big brother) from the time I was in my teens, was a huge source of Islamic and spiritual knowledge. One who was approachable and could provide answers rather than vague assurances when we asked questions about the practices in Islam which we did by rote and seldom understood. He would have a remedy for every ill you could think of and often recommended this mix of almonds and honey at exam time. Of course, when he gave you a jar of this, it is most likely that he recited (prayed) over it, infusing the already healthy mixture with divine energy. He passed away a few years ago and his absence is palpable.
He shared with us how to make it ourselves and it has become a regular in our home. Whether for stressful times or especially for exams and test periods.

Almond & Honey Brain Food
Chop a few handfuls of raw unpeeled almonds. You could pulse it in a food processor or spice grinder, but not too finely. I prefer using a knife. There is something rather satisfying about mindfully chopping a pile of almonds into fine gravel. That feeling of being present and knowing that this dish is a labour of love. An elixir to nourish not just the body but the brains of your children. Measure it out by tablespoons into a bowl. Add the same amount of honey and mix thoroughly into a thick paste. Store in an airtight jar and take a tablespoon of this every morning.

Some of the other beneficial brain foods include:
Dates: Studies have found that dates are helpful for lowering inflammatory markers in the brain, which are commonly associated with diseases like Alzheimer’s. It can also help reduce plaques in the brain! When plaques accumulate in the brain, they may disrupt communication between brain cells, which can ultimately lead to brain cell death. In a hadith, the Prophet also mentioned the proper time to consume dates and its positive health implications in a hadith:
‘A’isha reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: “The ‘ajwa’ dates of ‘Aliya’ contain healing effects and these are antidote in the early morning.” Sahih Muslim
Grapes: Another Prophetic food which are great for the brain. Research shows that grapes may help support brain health by reducing oxidative stress in the brain. This promotes healthy blood flow in the brain to maintain high levels of a key brain chemical that promotes memory, and exerts anti-inflammatory effects. The Quran mentions grapes eleven times. he Prophet also used to consume dried grapes, commonly known as raisins daily.
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas that: “Raisins would be soaked for the Messenger of Allah [SAW] and he would drink it that day, the following day, and the day after that.” Sunan an-Nasa’i
Black Seed (Kalonji/Nigella): A natural remedy for many diseases and has been used in many countries for more than 2000 years. Abu Hurairah narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: “In black seed there is healing for every disease, except death.” Sunan Ibn Majah
Black seed can improve brain function associated with cognitive function, depression, epilepsy, memory and also prevent inflammation. This is due to the rich polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the seeds, essential for protecting the nervous system against any neuronal injury and/or disorders.
Olives: Essentially, olives are packed with polyphenols, which are the naturally-occurring chemical in olives that is known to improve memory by reducing stress in the brain. The more olives you consume, the lower your risk of developing memory-related diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia.
The Prophet, Peace be Upon Him, placed great emphasis on olives, where he is narrated to have said: “Eat [olive] oil, and anoint with it, for it is from a blessed tree!” Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyah
It is also narrated that olives contains cure for 70 diseases!
Related: Sunnah Fruits of the Prophet SAW
This article was most informative and I would be very grateful if I could receive more information of this nature in future. Jazakallah
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