Exploring the Medicinal Properties of Quranic Foods

We, as Muslims, have a social responsibility to adhere to the Sunnah and Quran in all walks of life, including the food we eat. The Quran is the book of Allah that was revealed to our Holy Prophet. It talks about many general topics and how to live life. On several occasions, Allah mentions what type of foods to consume, how to slaughter animals, and much more.
We have a bounty of food on Earth that has healthy medicinal properties. In this article, we will discuss some of these foods that we must implement in our day-to-day diet to deal with common diseases.
1. Dates
Among the variety of foods mentioned in the Quran, several references mention dates and their importance in the diet. Allah mentions dates as a fruit and a gift from Allah. Dates are also the first thing that Muslims eat after reciting the dua for iftar and breaking their fasts.
In Surah Maryam (Al-Quran: 23-26), we can read the story of Hazrat Isa’s birth and how Allah tells Hazrat Maryam to shake the trunk of a palm tree and eat it to ease the labor pain.
Medically, dates have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral characteristics. They also have a high phenolic content and, therefore, are helpful for treating cardiovascular diseases and regulating the immune system.
2. Honey
Honey is the second most mentioned food in the Quran after dates. In Surah An-Nahl, Allah says:
Your Lord predisposed the bees to make their hives in mountains, trees, and trellises, And suck from all fruits and flit about the unrestricted paths of their Lord. A drink of various hues comes out of their bellies, which contains medicine for men. This is a sign for those who reflect. Al Quran (16:68-69)
The verse mentions how honey contains medicinal properties. Moreover, modern medicine now knows how many side effects artificial sweeteners have on the human body. Therefore, honey is the best natural sweetener that we can use instead. Honey also has antifungal and antibacterial properties and can kill bacteria or fungi. Applying honey to any wound or infection promotes healing thanks to its antiseptic properties. Studies tell us about the antioxidant properties of honey and how it decreases aging.
3. Ginger
Ginger is a commonly used spice in South Asia. People utilize the stem of the plant for cooking purposes. It can be used fresh or dried as oil or juice. Culturally, people also like to have ginger tea to cure flu, nausea, or digestive problems.
In Surah Al-Insan (Al Quran 76:16-17), Allah mentions explicitly that people will be served with a cup flavoured with ginger in crystal clear bottles of silver in Jannah. This ginger water will come from an ever-flowing spring.
Ginger also has dermatological benefits. It can greatly benefit those suffering from eczema and psoriasis. So, next time you prepare a cup of tea, add a few slices of ginger to it to enjoy its benefits.
4. Grains
Grains, also called cereals, are the seeds of plants that look like grass. The most commonly used grains include wheat, rice, and barley. When a grain has all three layers intact, it is referred to as a whole grain. Examples of whole grains include whole corn, quinoa, brown rice, and oats.
There are several mentions of grains in the Holy Quran. In Surah Abasa (Al Quran 80:24-27) Allah mentions;
“Let man therefore consider (the sources of) his food. We poured down rain abundantly, Then We cracked the earth open under pressure (of germination) And We made corn grow.”
Similar references have been mentioned in Surah Luqman, Surah Yusuf, Surah Al-Baqarah and many others. Whole grains are a source of fiber nutrients and Vitamin B. They are packed with antioxidants and minerals. Whole fibers help to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Moreover, it lowers the risk of stroke. A decent portion of oatmeal and fruits can keep you going for an entire day.
5. Milk
Ever since prehistoric times, people have been using milk as a source of nutrition. Even the Prophet and Sahaba used to drink camel milk. In Islam, it has always represented cleanliness, freshness, and revitalization.
And surely in cattle, there is a lesson for you: We give you a drink from the extract of food in their bellies and blood-purest milk so delicious to drink. Al Quran (16:66)
In Surah Muhammad (Al Quran 47:15), Allah mentions that paradise will have rivers of milk flowing for all the pious and devout Muslims. The fact that Allah mentions the presence of milk in paradise means that it benefits the human body. Scientifically, milk is rich in vitamins, minerals, and vitamins D and C. It is helpful for those suffering from diabetes and arthritis. Moreover, it can help in reducing inflammation and reduce the onset of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Having one glass of milk every day in the morning has more benefits than simply increasing your calcium levels.
Islam has always emphasized eating food and consuming Halal as it is essential for the nutrition and sustenance of life. For Muslims, food is a gift from Allah and it should always be treated with respect. The Quran explicitly instructs Muslims to consume only something pure and avoid anything that causes harm. We will end the article with a verse from the Quran and leave you to ponder it and thank Allah for the blessings he has given us.
Eat the good and lawful things that God has given you, and be grateful for God’s bounty if you really worship Him. Al Quran (16:114)
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