This year, 2025, the start of January and the start of Rajab coincides perfectly. This sacred Islamic month heralds the coming of Ramadaan in 2 months. It is the perfect time to start preparing our minds and body for this most important time in the Islamic calendar.
Much like you may have set New Year’s resolutions, setting similar goals for your mental and spiritual growth will plant the seeds for your overall wellbeing.
What’s special about Rajab? Rajab is one of four sacred months in the Islamic calendar that is known to be filled with divine mercy, blessings and rewards. It is the month where you sow the seeds (deeds) for growth. In the month of Shabaan, you nurture these seeds (deeds), and in the month of Ramadaan, you reap the harvest.
Did you know that Lailatul Miraj (Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then through the seven Heavens), took place in Rajab, and that the practice of Salaah was given to us on this night?
Rajab is the time where you can start laying the foundations of good habits and making a plan of action.
Here’s how to start:
- Make a list of targets where you want to focus on in terms of your relationship with Allah. It could be to increase your Ibadah by making more regular Salaah. Perhaps to read more Quran even if it’s just for a few minutes a day.
- Prioritise your health. We are what we eat as the saying goes. Incorporate Sunnah foods into your diet.
- Be good to your body. Incorporate some daily exercise or movement into your routine even if it’s just walking for a few minutes a day.
- Make up any outstanding fasts from the previous year, or try fasting the Sunnah days of Monday and Thursday.
- Rajab is also known as the Month of Tawbah (repentance) and the Month of Istighfar (seeking forgiveness). It is a good time to increase good deeds and seek forgiveness.
May these few suggestions help you on your path to wellbeing and may the Almighty accept all the seeds we sow in this blessed month of Rajab.
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